Earning Money With Spreadshop

Earning money as a Shop Owner

Earning money as a Shop Owner

Spreadshop is the Shop for your merchandise. This is where you turn your ideas into money. Open your Shop, design your own products and earn money with every sale. Find out how to get started here.

Open your shop

What is a Spreadshop?

In your Spreadshop, you’re your own boss. You design your own products, set the prices and ensure sales by controlling your own marketing. The orders generated in your Shop are printed on-demand — directly and immediately after receipt of an order. Whether it’s one or 100 orders, we take care of production, delivery and customer service. You don't have to worry about anything.

How do you earn money with Spreadshop?

In your Spreadshop, you set the retail prices. Put together your own personal product portfolio for your Shop and choose from over 250 products. Each product has a fixed base price. This base price includes the costs for the product and one print area. On top of the base price, you’re completely free to decide the final retail price. The difference between the retail price and the base price is your margin. This margin makes up your earnings for each sale.

How to open your own Spreadshop

If you are not yet registered as a Partner, create an account first. This will give you access to your Partner Area where you can upload designs, create products, set up your Spreadshop, and monitor your sales.

Do I earn more with more sales?

Yes! The more you sell in your Shops during a calendar month, the more you earn. We reduce the base price for almost all products sold within that month by a performance-based percentage. This automatically increases your margin. The performance bonus is calculated after the completion of each calendar month. You can see the performance bonus sales tiers, how it affects your products’ base prices and how the billing works in this table.
